
Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Re: Speakers Needed: 2015 All About Food: From Farm to Fork Conference

Not sure how I got on your email list - I live in Canada.  Please remove me from your mailing list.
Thank you


On Jul 8, 2014, at 1:36 PM, kaitlin koch <kaitkoch@GMAIL.COM> wrote:

Apologies for any cross postings.

Please see below for an opportunity to speak at the Macomb Food Collaborative's annual All About Food Conference.

Feel welcome to circulate this request widely.

Kaitlin Koch
Michigan State University Extension Educator
Community Food Systems
21885 Dunham, Suite 12
Clinton Township, MI 48036

From: Jean Persely []
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 2:57 PM
To: Jean Persely
Subject: FW: Speakers Needed: 2015 All About Food: From Farm to Fork Conference





Conference planning for the Macomb Food Collaborative 4th Annual 2015 All About Food: From Farm To Fork Conference is well underway!


We are seeking interested persons for 45 – 60 minute break out session presentations throughout the day. 


Our Keynote Speaker for the conference will be Dan Carmody, President of Eastern Market Corporation.


Please see attached Call For Session Proposals for Speakers for more information.


For your reference, our 2015 All About Food Save the Date card is also attached.


Please share to your networks.


Thank you,


Jean Persely

MFC AAF:FF2F Conference Chair


<2015 All About Food From Farm to Fork Conference Front of Postcard.png>
<2015 All About Food From Farm to Fork Conference Save the Date Back.png>
<Call For Session Proposals for Speakers.pdf>

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