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Friday, January 31, 2025


We are looking for a collaboration with a new supplier from your region
Kindly quote FCA prices with lead time and availability of the attached items
Thanks in advance

Ahmed Malik

Purchasing Manager
M +35924923806
P +90 5385961348
Esenyurt 34510, Istanbul


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Thursday, January 30, 2025 (15) Important messages still pending to be delivered to your inbox

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025 (15) Important messages still pending to be delivered to your inbox

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Purchase nquiry

Good Day Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inquire about your company and the products/services that you offer.and would like to know more about its features, benefits, pricing, and availability. Additionally, We kindly request that you provide us with the following information about your company details so that we can send our Order, If possible Send Us Your Catalogue.

Best Regards

Ariziel Gomez
Departamento de Compras y Logística
mathiezen Europe, S.A.
Carrer del Plàstic, 17, 08915 Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Attendees List of Paper & Tissue Show 2025


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Paper & Tissue Show 2025

21 Jan 2025 - 23 Jan 2025

Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Visitors/Attendess: 8,450


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I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & Regards,

Megan Walters

Business Analyst

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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

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Fw: Urgent! MI food system funding disruption impacts survey

Please see below about sharing your impact

May Tsupros  (they/them)

Director, Farm to Institution Programs 

Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems 

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Natural Resources Building, Room 312A

480 Wilson Rd., East Lansing MI

Michigan State University occupies the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary Lands of the Anishinaabeg–Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi peoples. The University resides on Land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw. Read here by land acknowledgements are not enough. 

From: Jennifer Silveri <jen@MIFFS.ORG>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 12:33 PM
Subject: Fw: Urgent! MI food system funding disruption impacts survey

Hello MI Food System Partners,

Please complete this Google Form to help assess the impacts of recent Executive Orders and the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget Memo M-25-13, which temporarily pauses all federal financial assistance and funding disbursements, on the Michigan food system. 

We are collaborating with Terri Barker at MDARD to summarize impacts on the food system for internal purposes, including partner review and strategic planning. It will also be shared with national food and farm organizations that engage in policy work in Washington, DC, or are aligned with food systems initiatives but may not receive federal funding.

Please submit this information by COB on Wednesday, 1/29/2025. 

Many thanks!

In solidarity,

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note20 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone
Get Outlook for Android

The Michigan Local Food Council Network listserv is a platform for communication among network members, coordinators and its sponsor, the MSU Center for Regional Food Systems. This listserv is intended for educational and informational purposes and subscribers are encouraged to share relevant information and opportunities. The listserv is not to be used for lobbying activity, i.e., attempting to influence legislation by asking others to contact or directly contacting members of a legislative body or government officials or by encouraging the public to take action on a specific piece of legislation or rule.


To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to LISTSERV@LIST.MSU.EDU with "SIGNOFF MIFOODCOUNCIL" in the message body (not subject).

Monday, January 27, 2025


Congratulations! You have been awarded with the sum of 2,000,000.00 Euro from our (SIGRID TRUST rim FOUNDATION) yearly DRAW. Your email was selected by Google/Microsoft Inc through Access Ready Inc (501'C'3 Charity). . Randomly selected as an active user on the web... . And due to the combat for the COVID-19 pandemic and HMPV, MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE Virus cause Widespread outbreak. .. .. . To lay claims on this funds you are required to contact us via email: & assistant:

Lake Michigan School Food System Innovation Hub Launches in Michigan to Revolutionize Our Region’s School Food System

Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems

Lake Michigan School Food System Innovation Hub Launches in Michigan to Revolutionize Our Region’s School Food System 

Application period February 14 through May 30, 2025; interested grant applicants can now register for launch event 

East Lansing, MI, Jan. 27, 2025Lake Michigan School Food System Innovation Hub announced that it will open the second round of a funding opportunity for collaborations of local food system leaders who want school meals to better reflect our region’s harvests and cultural diversity, particularly as 1.4 million kids in Michigan eat school meals every day. Grant applications open on Feb. 14, 2025. and the Hub will host a launch webinar on Feb. 27.     

Funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and convened by the Illinois Public Health Institute (IPHI), the Innovation Hub offers grants up to $100,000 to build pathways for local and nutritious food to reach more schools across Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana—especially in areas that don’t have equitable access to resources. The Innovation Hub seeks applicants who have ideas to strengthen our local school food system and want to join collaborative teams to bring those ideas to life.  

“We’re looking forward to see people across Michigan from farmers and food suppliers to food service directors and community-based program leaders—come together to help the food that kids eat at school be more local, more nourishing and more loved,” said May Tsupros, Director of Farm to Institution Programs at Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems, a leading member of the Innovation Hub. “The grants will give us the opportunity to address historical inequities in our school food system and better serve our communities.”  

This year, grants from $30,000 to $100,000 are available to teams that may include farmers, food suppliers, school foodservice directors, food industry partners, community-based program leaders and more. The Innovation Hub will invest in community-driven ideas of all sizes and scopes—from hyper-local projects to multistate collaborations—as long as projects direct more resources to students, schools and local economies. The Innovation Hub welcomes all applications and will prioritize investments in communities that have been underserved. This includes applications from people of color; people who live in rural areas; and people with limited incomes. More information about eligible applicants can be found at 

“I brought my experience as a small farmer to the creation of the Innovation Hub applications, and I’m thrilled to see this initiative come to life,” said Angie Kuehl, Pomona, IL. “It is critical for our students that we celebrate our cultures at home and at school, and I believe the community will come together with new, innovative ideas to provide more comfort and nourishment to school meals. We look forward to strengthening old relationships and building new ones as funding becomes available to address racism, discrimination and historically underserved communities.”  

“IPHI is thrilled to have the opportunity to work with partners in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin to fund innovative school meal projects across the region,” said Crystal Tyler, CEO of the IPHI. “Communities are the best designers of innovative projects that will help students get the nourishing meals they need to thrive. We can’t wait to see—and support—innovations that will transform the school food system and address historical inequities in ways that better serve Midwest communities.” 

The Innovation Hub is hosting a launch webinar to provide interested participants with an overview of the grant opportunity and to get applicants connected to grant application support. The webinar will be held on Feb. 27, 2025, at 10 a.m. CST/11 a.m. EST in Spanish and at 11 a.m. CST/12 p.m. EST in English. Registration is now open at this link (in English) or this link (in Spanish). Additionally, a representative from Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems is available to help guide prospective grantees from idea to application submission.  

For more information, visit To connect with resources, office hours and/ or the State Lead Team at Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems, please complete our Interest Form.

# # #

Lake Michigan School Food System Innovation Hub nurtures community-driven collaborations that reimagine students’ meals. By working together, we’re building pathways for local, nutritious and culturally relevant food to reach more schools across Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana—especially in areas that don’t have equitable access to resources. We offer funding, training and other help to collectives of schools, school districts, organizations, farmers, producers, suppliers, distributors, and other food industry partners who are transforming our school food system to better serve our communities. We are funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Healthy Meals Incentives Initiative and convened by the Illinois Public Health Institute. Organizations leading the initiative include Seven Generations Ahead (Illinois), Michigan State University’s Center for Regional Food Systems (Michigan), NWI Food Council (Indiana), Kids Forward (Wisconsin), healthTIDE (Wisconsin), and Action for Healthy Kids. 

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