
Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

FW: Last chance to register for the joint meeting of MFIN and Michigan Food Hub Network!

Apologies for cross-posting, but please see information below to RSVP for the upcoming joint meeting of the Michigan Farm to Institution Network and the Michigan Food Hub Network! This meeting is free to attend, and registration closes on Friday, July 10th!




Colleen Matts

Farm to Institution Specialist | Michigan Lead for National Farm to School Network

Center for Regional Food Systems | Michigan State University

480 Wilson Rd | Rm 303 Natural Resources Building | East Lansing, MI 48824

(p) 517.432.0310 |



From: On Behalf Of Michigan Farm to Institution Network
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 7:00 AM
Subject: Last chance to register for the joint meeting of MFIN and Michigan Food Hub Network!


Michigan Farm to Institution Network



Joint Meeting of Michigan Farm to Institution Network & Michigan Food Hub Network

Join us for a special two-day event!

This is the last week to register for the joint network meeting co-hosted by the Michigan Farm to Institution Network and the Michigan Food Hub Network along with local MSU Extension Community Food Systems partners on July 15-16 in Flint, MI. Free to attend, this special event is sure to be packed with good food, good conversation and opportunities for collaboration!

The two-day gathering has three parts for which you can RSVP separately:

·         Tours of Good Food projects in Flint, including the downtown Flint Farmers Market, from 2 – 4:45 pm on Wednesday, July 15th

·         Networking reception on the rooftop terrace of the market from 5 - 7 pm on Wednesday, July 15th

·         Joint network meeting from 8:30 – 3 pm on Thursday, July 16th with a light breakfast and lunch at the market provided

Visit our website for more details, including a tentative agenda and registration information.

The RSVP deadline is 12 noon on Friday, July 10th. Click here to register now!

Questions about the event can be sent to



Michigan Farm to Institution Network

Ecology Center  MSU Center for Regional Food Systems

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