In addition to announcing the 10 Cents a Meal application deadline extension (see below), I wanted to invite you all to our upcoming 10 Cents a Meal Network meeting this Thursday, where a panel of grantees and suppliers will be sharing on the partnerships that they have developed over time, amongst other helpful insights.
What: 10 Cents a Meal Network Meeting - Grantee & Supplier PartnershipsWhen: February 17th, 2022; 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Where: Zoom
 |  The Michigan Department of Education has extended the application deadline for the second round of 10 Cents a Meal for Michigan's Kids & Farms until February 25, 2022. If you have already been awarded funds for this year then you do not need to apply again. See the list of current grantees on our website to check if you are already a grantee. If you are a current grantee and would like to increase your grant award, MDE will be reallocating excess funds after the second round of grantees has been announced. MDE will send out an email request for interested grantees to request more money at that time.
Application Resources For all application related materials please visit our website's 10 Cents Grant Application Info page to access the application and review key resources including: - 10 Cents a Meal Grant Overview
- Grant Application Instructions
- Grant Application Guide
- Frequently Asked Questions
Don't forget to visit our Tools for Schools & Early Care and Education page for even more resources to help you with planning for procuring, preparing, marketing, and educating about Michigan-grown fruits, vegetables, and legumes. 10 Cents a Meal was the recent topic of the Michigan Farm to ECE Network's February meeting. The meeting included a review of the application process, resources, and history and impacts of the program. The recording is available to watch at this link: Feb MI Farm to ECE Network Meeting and is a fantastic resource for getting to know the program. Explore our Tools for Communities page to learn about how you can support the success of 10 Cents a Meal in your community. Now is a great time to reach out to schools, early child care centers, and community organizations feeding kids in your community. Make sure they know about the opportunity to apply!
Nathan Luis Medina | Policy Specialist, 10 Cents a Meal Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities
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MIFARMTOSCHOOL is a listserv that links farm-to-school stakeholders and practitioners in Michigan, from school food service directors and school administrators to growers and distributors. Content posted to MIFARMTOSCHOOL does not necessarily reflect the views of Michigan State University or the Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems.
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