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Monday, May 18, 2015

FW: Gongwer Article: School Bake Sale Bill Clears House With Opposition



For your information, Jean Doss has shared a legislative update on the “School Bake Sale Bill”, SB 139. Please see details below, if you’re interested to learn more.




Colleen Matts

Farm to Institution Specialist | Michigan Lead for National Farm to School Network

Center for Regional Food Systems | Michigan State University

480 Wilson Rd | Rm 303 Natural Resources Building | East Lansing, MI 48824

(p) 517.432.0310 |



From: Jean Doss <>
Date: Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 10:21 AM


As I mentioned in an earlier email, the amendments made by the House Education Committee to the bill addressing food fundraisers in schools (SB 139), including parental notification, were stripped out in a floor “substitute” of the bill, and efforts to that provision and other amendments failed on the floor. The bill now goes back to the Senate for a vote on whether or not to concur with the House version.

The difference between the Senate-passed version of the bill, SB 139 (S-1) and the House –passed version of the bill, SB 139 (H-2) is as follows:

·         Both versions require the Department of Education to “take steps” to ensure “maximum state and local control over the implementation of school meal programs,” including an upper limit on the number and frequency of fundraisers that involve selling food or beverages that do not meet nutritional standards.

·         In the Senate version, the bill would require that the upper limit is not less than 3 fund-raising activities per week, and a fundraiser that lasts all day, or even more than one day (all week? Two weeks?) is counted as “a single fund-raising activity.”

·         The House establishes a limit of not less than “2 fund-raising activities” per week, and for the purposes of establishing the limit, counts a single fund-raising activity as one that takes place at more than 1 time during the school day, or throughout the school day (but not one that continues over multiple days).

It will likely pass and then be sent to the Governor for his signature. I have heard no rumors of a veto, and would consider one unlikely. An analysis of the H-2 version is not yet available on the legislative website, however, you can read the actual House-passed version of the bill (the H-2) at:

This is the Gongwer Michigan Report coverage of the recent House vote:


Volume #54, Report #95, Article #10--Wednesday, May 13, 2015
School Bake Sale Bill Clears House With Opposition


The House approved a bill on Wednesday allowing bake sales during school hours with some opposing the bill, saying it does not inform parents when these bake sales will happen, and, with childhood obesity on the rise, does not encourage healthy eating.

The bill (SB 139*) passed 66-43, with most Republicans supporting and most Democrats in opposition.

Five Democrats joined 61 of 63 Republicans in support: Rep. Paul Clemente of Lincoln Park, Rep. Scott Dianda of Calumet, Rep. Brandon Dillon of Grand Rapids, Rep. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo of Detroit and Rep. Erika Geiss of Taylor.

The two Republicans who voted no were Rep. Mike Callton of Nashville and Rep. Ken Yonker of Gaines Township.

The bill would lift the recent prohibition against the sale of foods that do not meet federal nutritional guidelines on school grounds during school hours. The Department of Education would be required to allow at least two events a week, though those events could take place at more than one time during the school day.

Rep. Andy Schor (D-Lansing) said on the House floor he opposes the bill because an amendment adopted during committee - which would have notified parents of upcoming bake sales - was stripped from the bill.

Rep. Kristy Pagan (D-Canton Township) said childhood obesity is the number one health concern for parents. She said the Legislature should focus on promoting healthy habits in school, including nutritious food choices.

"This bill undermines the ability of our children to lead happy and healthy lives," she said.

Rep. Lee Chatfield (R-Levering) said the fact that the Legislature is debating the bill shows another example of federal overreach.

"This is about trusting our parents and trusting our local school districts," he said.

The bill must now go back to the Senate for a concurrence vote.


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Gongwer News Service: The Capitol Record Since 1906
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