
Blog Archive

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Nurturing farm to early care and education year round

Explore these recipes, activities, and resources for family-based home-care providers
Everything in Good Season is a farm to early care and education (ECE) guide geared toward home-based childcare settings. It brings together insights from ECE providers to share sourcing tips, recipes highlighting the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), and engaging activities grouped by season - winter, spring summer, and fall.

This free resource is specific to the needs of smaller groups of children in a home setting but can also be used as inspiration for groups of any size.

Example: Spring 
  • Steps for starting your garden 
  • Recipe: Gingered carrots 
  • Activity: Bean Plant Dress Up 
Explore and share this resource with your networks! 
For more information, contact:
Meagan K. Shedd,

This resource was co-authored by the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan. Funding for this work comes from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Association for State Public Health Nutritionists. 
Please help us spread the word! 
Forward this message and share on social media. Tag @MSUCRFS on Facebook and Twitter. Tag the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan with @KidneyMI on Facebook and Twitter.

  • "Everything in Good Season" offers family-based childcare providers fun activities, recipes, and resources perfect for doing Farm to Early Care and Education year-round. Get in on the Farm to ECE fun here:

  • Getting kids involved in where their food comes from can have lasting benefits. Activities like dressing up as a bean plant, learning about earthworms, and age-appropriate ways to help make seasonal recipes are some of the fun activities in this resource specifically made for family-based homecare providers: http:// 
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