
Blog Archive

Thursday, April 6, 2023

FW: 2023 National Children & Youth Gardening Symposium


I'm passing along information about this children and youth gardening event that may be of interest to some! Please see more information below.




Colleen Matts


Director, Farm to Institution Programs

Coordinator, Michigan Farm to Institution Network

Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems



From: American Horticultural Society <>
Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 5:13 PM
Subject: 2023 National Children & Youth Gardening Symposium

Dear Friends of AHS,


The American Horticultural Society's annual National Children & Youth Garden Symposium is now open! For over 30 years, AHS has organized this inspirational, informational gathering for thousands of youth garden educators across the nation. The event rotates locations throughout the country and this year, we will be in Knoxville, TN from July 12-15.


This year's theme, "Cultivating Community," features 30 learning sessions on topics such as Culturally Inclusive Teaching in the Garden, Universal Learning in Gardens, Anti-Racism and Garden-Based Learning, Social Emotional Learning in the Garden, Horticulture Career Exploration, and Resourcing Our Learning Communities.


Presenters represent organizations such as the United States Department of Agriculture, the American Public Gardens Association, and the Plants for Human Health Institute, as well as several botanic gardens, horticultural societies, universities, schools, foundations, and other nonprofits. In addition to workshops and talks, we will also visit several spectacular botanic gardens, school and community gardens, and large-scale urban parks, as well as participate in a volunteer opportunity for food access. 


Please share with the youth garden educators in your lives, and register by May 12 for the early bird rate. There are also sponsorship opportunities; please see the Symposium webpage and contact AHS staff to sponsor. We look forward to seeing you this summer in Knoxville!


Warm Regards,


Courtney Allen
Director of National Programs



American Horticultural Society
7931 East Boulevard Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308
Phone: (703) 768-5700  |  Fax: (703) 768-8700 

Copyright 2023 American Horticultural Society


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