
Blog Archive

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Local Food Purchasing Incentives: From Administration to Incorporating Additional Values

Examine benefits, opportunities for improvement, and additional ways to implement Local Food Purchasing Incentive programs through these new resources
Local Food Purchasing Incentives (LFPIs) are programs that provide additional funding to child nutrition program operators to directly offset or incentivize local food purchases. According to the National Farm to School Network, the first state-level LFPI was established in 2001, and as of August 2023, at least 16 states and Washington, D.C. have established LFPIs.

To contribute to the growing body of knowledge on LFPIs and provide more information for farm to school advocates and practitioners nationwide, the National Farm to School Network and Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems collaborated on this eight-part resource series below.

Stakeholders or designers of LFPI programs can use these resources to explore existing examples of LFPIs and better understand opportunities for increased benefits and program improvement. Additionally, these resources offer considerations and ideas for advocates and policymakers to support the creation of new programs.
Explore and share these resources with your networks! 

More information about Local Food Purchasing Incentives can be found here:  
For more information, contact:

These resources were created through generous funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.  
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Social Posts:

  • Local food purchasing incentive programs provide additional funding to child nutrition programs, such as schools or childcare settings, to directly offset or incentivize local food purchases. @MSUCRFS and @farmtoschool collaborated on a new eight-part resource series to explore important considerations of these programs.  

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