
Blog Archive

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Share your experiences through the 2025 National Food Hub Survey

Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems

There is still time to take the 2025 National Food Hub Survey! 

The Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems, in partnership with the University of Michigan Program Evaluation Group, has launched the 2025 National Food Hub Survey! In its sixth iteration, this national survey seeks data on the economic growth, activities, opportunities and challenges of food hubs and similar businesses across the United States. You don’t have to call yourself a food hub to participate. If your business or organization aggregates food products from multiple producers and distributes them locally/regionally, we would love to hear from you by March 31, 2025!

Take the survey!

How long is this going to take?  

As few as 20 minutes, if you have ready access to financial and employee records. The 2025 National Food Hub Survey is both comprehensive AND significantly shorter than in previous years. Want to preview the questions before responding? Simply click here, to download a printable version.

Sharing your voice in the National Food Hub Survey is time well spent. Your participation is voluntary, and your answers will be kept confidential to the extent of the law. Only aggregated information from this survey will be shared ─ we will not share any information identifiable to you or your organization. Survey respondents will have access to survey data and figures through a data dashboard to support their business decisions, grant writing, and program evaluation. The more responses received, the more robust and statistically representative data will be for all food hub types, ages, and sizes. Every response helps you and your colleagues nationwide. 

No longer in operation? Please follow this link to a very short survey and help us keep the national directory up to date.

Begin the survey now to help build a more resilient regional food system!

Take the survey!

(Click here to see resources developed from the 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021 surveys. )

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to CRFS survey coordinator and Food & Farm Business Outreach Specialist, Sam Stokes, Thank you for your participation in this effort to gather the information we need to build a more resilient regional food system! 

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Your gift will support a thriving economy, equity, and sustainability for Michigan, the nation, and the planet by advancing systems that produce food that is healthy, green, fair, and affordable.
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